


Being a family business, the way we operate is based on consistency, independence and a long term view of our investments and operations. Therefore, the responsible use of resources comes naturally to us.

To us, recovered fibre is no waste but an important raw material in terms of sustainable economy and it is the beginning of our own integrated value chain. We support the district heating network of Mayen, the town in which the mill is located, by making excess heat energy available for the heating of public and private buildings. Moreover, electrical energy demands are met using our combined heat and power plant with co-generation. Our water usage has been consistently reduced through closed circuit systems and our own, state of the art waste water treatment plant.

  • Utilising recovered fibre and recycling protects natural resources
  • Own elaborate logistics concepts minimise the impact on roads and the environment
  • As an employer and training company, we provide modern work stations and ensure the individual development of our employees
  • Certificates prove our sustainable processes and their efficiency
  • Our participation in the district heating project of Mayen reduces the impact on the environment

We close
the loop

Our customer portfolio includes processors along the entire value chain. If you value product safety, availability and processability - at any stage - we should know each other.

RECYCLING, CARDBOARD and PACKAGING. If you want - everything from a single source.

About us


We close the loop

WEIG Karton


WEIG Packaging


WEIG Packaging



Weig worldwide –
Strong together!

Our companies are organised into three strategic business units: RECYCLING, BOARD, PACKAGING and TRANSPORT. Each unit is responsible for their economic performance. The interaction between these three business units leads to significant advantages – at all levels of value creation. This interaction enhances our approach as a service oriented manufacturing group – And that's worldwide!
