Recovered paper trade

Recovered paper trade

Business is based on recovered fibre right from the start –
as part of integrated value creation

For sustainable use of resources and value creation from level one

To us, recovered fibre is no waste but an important raw material in terms of sustainable economy. Recycling is a key element of our value chain because through this integration we ensure access to quantity and quality. Grade and quality of the recovered fibre impact greatly on the subsequent usage possibilities and the performance of the cartonboard manufactured using this fibre. By utilising recovered fibre and making new quality cartonboard from it, we clearly demonstrate our commitment to and understanding of product responsibility.

  • Approximately 730.000 tonnes of annual throughput of recovered fibre
  • Own collection systems, own vehicle fleet and own employees
  • Collection from households, retail, trade and industry
  • High market coverage due to own sites and networks throughout Europe
  • Certified waste management company with decades-long competences


General loading and delivery instructions Nord-Westdeutsche Papierrohstoff


We close the loop

WEIG Karton


WEIG Packaging


WEIG Packaging